因為本錢有限﹐在下只能攝影一場景。經過一番考慮後在下終於決定攝影嫣姐姐在枯井棄暗投明的動人場面。出演譽哥哥萬歲是在下的半唐番好友王森亭。大壞蛋慕容復和神仙嫣姐姐的角色則由一對真實情侶﹐湯姆克魯斯(Tom Crews) 和愛達奔旦 (Ida Bendan)﹐擔任。為了拍得逼真﹐森亭和愛達決定了跌下枯井時不使用替身甚至不需要鋼線。愛達充滿信心﹐道﹕『我跳入時井口或許會窄一些﹐但到井底只有二十五尺左右﹐而且下面無水﹐沒問題﹗』 有這種捨己敬業的演員出馬﹐哪怕本片不馬到成功。

Because of budget limitation, it was apparent that I could afford to film only one scene. After much deliberation, I decided to film the famous scene at the dry well where Yin finally saw the light and gave her love to Yu. The role of the majestic Duen Yu will be played by my good half-Chinese, half-Caucasian friend Sum Ting Wong. The roles of big baddy Mo Yung Fuk and the lovely goddess Wong Yu Yin will be played by a real life couple, Tom Crews and Ida Bendan. In order for a more realistic portrayal, it's been decided that no stunt doubles or wires will be employed. Sum Ting and Ida will take the plunge into the well themselves. "It might be a tight fit into the mouth of the well, but the drop to the bottom is only about 25 feet and there's no water down there, no problem!" Ida confidently declared. With dedicated actors like Ida in the cast, is there any doubt my short film will be a smashing success?